Below are the actions we are taking to ensure the health & safety of our guests and staff. These protective measures have been implemented in compliance with the Grand County COVID-19 Suppression Plan.
Safe & Clean
We care about your health & safety.
Winter Park Mountain Lodge Protective Measures
Grand County Public Health, in alignment with the Governor’s statewide mask mandate, mandates citizens and visitors in Grand County abide by the terms of the order and wear a face covering when entering and moving within an Indoor Public Facility. Violators could face civil and criminal penalties.
The protective measures below are in addition to the “Best Practice Protective Measures For All Businesses, Facilities, Activities”
- Cleaning and Disinfection: Elevate and increase frequency of cleaning practices, including cleaning and disinfection of high touch areas. Perform deep clean/disinfection between each guest, including a complete change of all linens, pillows, blankets, towels, etc. even if they were not used. Follow these guidance docs: CDPHE Cleaning Guidelines, CDC Guidelines, Vacation Rental Management Association Guidelines.
- Food Service: Comply with the latest Colorado State Public Health Order.
- Pool, Hot Tub and Saunas: The pool, hot tub and saunas are open for the 2022 winter season. This is subject to change based on state and local mandates and guidelines.
Owners, Managers, Employees
- Implement symptom monitoring protocols (including workplace temperature monitoring and symptom screening questions) where possible and encourage sick employees to use the CDPHE Symptom Tracker. A sample document can be found here.
- Require employees to stay home when showing any symptoms or signs of sickness, which include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, & diarrhea and connect employees to company/state benefits providers
- Communicate the latest public protocols to ensure awareness and compliance
Additional Safety Measures
- Partitions have been implemented at the front desk and hand sanitizer is available in the lobby area for guest use.
- Housekeeping services have been discontinued during guest stays to prevent transmission between rooms. Guests can acquire any additional items by contacting the front desk.